Monday, March 27, 2017

It's Morphin Time!

The Power Rangers are back and better than ever in the new movie, Power Rangers. It has been over 20 years since the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came to life and changed super heroes forever. Since then there has been 19 spin off series that are continuing their legacy today.
The new revamp of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers translated the television show into a movie. It premiered this last Thursday and has already grossed over $40 million.
Going in I didn't know what to expect. The movie focused much more on character development than action in the minimum time it had, but it made you love all of the rangers the much more. There was a few action scene throughout the movie during training or the rangers discovering their powers, but the main focus was in the last act of the movie. I felt the first two acts were mainly to develop the story and the characters like most movies, while making the movie unique to be different from the show, while the last act brought back all the nostalgic feels of the original. There is a plan to make 5 other movies expanding over the next generation so get buckled for a fun adventure!
Overall, it was a fun new movie that kept me intrigued the entire time! I highly recommend it for all ages for families to enjoy together. (PS go pee before because it is a long movie!)

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